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MEET RESULTS!!! - Click on "Schedules" under Labels and then click on the Meet

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Rhythm of Everlasting Glory

High times, low times, we have so much time,
To get to the end, it will be long, we will be just fine.
Head down, breathe in, don't look around,
Keep up the pace, keep up the rhythm, pick up the sound.
Arms flailing, feet beating, breath exhaled, all rhythmically.

Morning comes, hardships persist, morning ends,
Every day this happens all over again.
New day, new challenge, new weaknesses found,
Every day you want to complain, but don't make a sound.
Will comes easy, will comes hard, will comes at dawn.

The course is a battlefield, waters all around,
Blood comes in different forms: sweat and tears trickle down .
Cheers like gunfire, whistles are the battle call,
Rain, rain, pours down, upon the field of brawl.
Get down, stay down, see the tears ebb.

Counting medals, counting stars, counting what falls,
Down the ranks, up with glory, the barracks call.
Win some, lose some, never fail by Diem,
Get back up off the floor and stick with the team.
One event can change your life, change it for yourself.

Megan Kalina

Thursday, April 23, 2015

McNeil Mavericks Booster Club Minutes-03/09/2015

Financial Report- Jen Gluff, Foss.
Banquet-April 23, Avery Ranch Country Club, 6-9PM
Chicken Fajitas with veggies
Photo Opportunity area
2015-2016 year’s Board-Elect
President-Beth Gavin
VP- Liz Sullivan
Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
Secretary-Danita Beier
Mindy Lewis Recognition-In honor of the work she does, even though her kids have all graduated, we, collectively, as a District, and locally, as a team, have donated to a gift card for Mindy.
Janet Harris needs scrapbook pages before spring break. SENIORS. DID YOU GET THAT?
Water Polo- Tryouts likely after Spring Break. Pools were discussed since Rattan Creek is under repair.
Possibly Wells Branch pool as it is deep enough.
Costs-Suits, t-shirts, Tournament costs to be divided amongst team members.
Meeting this week about Water Polo. Check date/time.
Tryouts are open to all athletes/students at McNeil.

McNeil Booster Club 2/2/2015

Financial Report

Itinerary sent out
Cheerleaders will form line for us leaving.
Maybe a police escort out of town.
There is an entrance fee at the door.
All swim in center pool. Diving at the end.
Warm up at the other end.

Bus decorations are done. Round Rock and McNeil will share a bus.
Bus leaves McNeil @3:00.

State is two weeks later. Only winner of each event is guaranteed to advance.
The next fastest eight across the state regions are called up. Fastest 16. Only A Finals can advance.

State Feb. 20-21.

Our pool will be drained and resurfaced after the 19th of Feb. It will be about three weeks.

McNeil Booster Club 1/12/2014

Regionals leaving 2/5/2014
We do posters for regionals this year.

Financial report by Jen Gluff.

District breakfast-1/21
District Dinner-Chins. Abigail Scruggs has offered to do sauces again.
District t shirts $10
District Meet Volunteers. Make sure to sign up early.
Regionals-top 6 advance from District Finals, individually and relays
Entries are finalized this week. Diving and swimming.

District Meet Friday 8:15 warm up, 9:30 start prelims, south end
Saturday Finals-11:15 warm ups, 12:30 meet start, north end
Diving is Friday.
April 23rd, Thursday night, at the Avery Ranch Golf Club.
-cost will be $15 each
-Avery will take care of room, tables, food, minimal decorations.
-food choices-dinner buffet, pasta, fajitas, penne pasta.

Water Polo-B day mornings practice. Tryouts are open to the whole school. We will have team suits this year. We will have caps. We have to get approval from district.

Shout out to Parents providing Winter Training Breakfasts! Awesome job! So appreciated!

Board Meeting Thursday, at Round Rock. Come on out, and wear your McNeil t shirts!

McNeil Booster Club-December 2014

Attendance-Beth Gavin, Danita Beier, Marina Glava, Jen
Gluff, Annette Bogusch, Liz Sullivan, Foss.

Regional Charter Bus-District is paying for it.

Budget wise, money is good.

Districts remains a two day meet. Regionals is at the Woodlands.

Pictures tomorrow, 12/2, at 7:30 at Mill Pond.

Christmas Party happening.

Winter Training Breakfasts. Sign up Genius
Dec. 19, 22, 29, 30, 31, Jan. 1, & 2

Temple Wildcat Jan. 10, 2015
Costume meet